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完成 CP Editor 的初始化以做好使用准备


现在 CP Editor 支持多种语言,包括英文,中文和俄语。

在默认情况下 CP Editor 的界面语言与系统设置一致。如果你需要对界面语言进行更改,可以在 设置->外观->通用->界面语言 中进行更改。注意你需要重启 CP Editor 以使更改生效。


根据你使用的编程语言,你需要安装 g++ / python / java 等环境。你需要将它们加入 PATH 环境变量以使 CP Editor 能找到它们。

接下来在设置页面设置编译与运行命令。例如,你可以在 设置->语言->C++->C++ 命令 中设置 C++ 的相关命令。

安装 CF Tool

如果你需要在 CP Editor 中提交 Codeforces 题目,你需要安装 CF Tool

你可以将其加入 PATH 环境变量,或是在 设置->扩展->CF Tool 中设置其路径。

在使用 CF Tool 之前,你需要在终端运行 cf config 命令完成相关配置。

安装 Competitive Companion

Competitive Companion 用于从在线评测系统中解析题目/比赛的信息。在安装它后,你只需点击一下即可从题目中获取测试样例,免除了手动复制的麻烦。

你可以通过安装浏览器扩展的方式来安装 Competitive Companion。


安装 Clang Format

CP Editor 使用 Clang Format 来格式化 C/C++ 以及 Java 代码。

你需要将其加入 PATH 环境变量,或是在 设置->扩展->Clang Format 中设置其路径。


CP Editor 使用 YAPF 来格式化 Python 代码。

安装 后应该就可以使用了。如果不能,请在 设置->扩展->代码格式化->YAPF 进行设置。

Setup Language Server

You can use Language Server to lint your codes and get errors, warnings, etc.

You can install any language server program and set suitable settings in Preferences->Extensions->Language Server .

Though you can use any language server program you like, here are some suggestions if you are not sure which to use.

C++ Server

If you have installed LLVM, you already have clangd, because it comes with the clang compiler. If you haven’t, please install LLVM prebuild binaries for Windows. On Linux and macOS you can install it from your package manager. You need to set the start command of clangd in Preferences -> Extensions -> Language Server -> C++ Server -> Path, where the command can be the path to the executable file or just clangd if it’s in the PATH.

Java Server

You need to have java installed and added to PATH. Download Eclipse.JDT.ls , extract it to any location (in a new directory), We call the path to that directory <INSTALL_PATH> (Something like C://Users/Myname/Desktop/EclipseJDT.ls/). In CP Editor, go to Preferences -> Extensions -> Language Server -> Java Server. Set “Path” to java and set “Arguments” to something like -jar $INSTALL_PATH/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.5.200.v20180922-1751.jar -configuration <INSTALL_PATH>/config_(linux|win|mac). For example, on Windows, the arguments should be something like -configuration C://Users/Myname/Desktop/Eclipse.JDT.ls/config_win.

The full name of the jar file above, org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.5.200.v20180922-1751.jar, may change incrementally as the project version of JDT changes. If java complains about “jar not found”, then look for the latest version of the org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_* jar in <INSTALL_PATH>/plugins and replace it in the command after -jar.

Python Server

You need to have python and pip installed and added to PATH. Install python-language-server pip module by running pip install 'python-language-server[all]'. After the installation is done, open CP Editor settings, go to Preferences -> Extensions -> Language Server -> Python Server. Set “Path” to python and set “Arguments” to -m pyls. Save the changes and you will have linting for Python.

最后修改 December 6, 2020: refactor: use md in links (#105) (c9245d5d)